Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017

这本是PDF高清版本,打开后就是pdf文字格式,点击目录可以跳转到所在的那部分内容,还可以复制课本中的内容,省去了看课本时手动敲代码的麻烦。这本书是高清版英文原著,学习知识和技术特别实用。中文可译为“在Visual Studio 2017工具下开始学习C#”。下面英文是我复制课本前言的一段话:This book is for everyone who wants to learn how to program in C# using the .NET Framework. It is for absolute beginners who want to give programming a try by learning a clean, modern, elegant programming language. But it is also for people familiar with other programming languages who want to explore the .NET platform, as well as for existing .NET developers who want to give Microsoft's .NET flagship language a try.
 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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     文件    15602942  2018-04-12 10:28  Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017(conv).pdf

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