Redash v5 Quick Start Guide

Learn how to quickly generate business intelligence, insights and create interactive dashboards for digital storytelling through various data sources with Redash Data exploration and visualization is vital to Business Intelligence, the backbone of almost every enterprise or organization. Redash is a querying and visualization tool developed to simplify how marketing and business development departments are exposed to data. If you want to learn to create interactive dashboards with Redash, explore different visualizations, and share the insights with your peers, then this is the ideal book for you. The book starts with essential Business Intelligence concepts that are at the heart of data visualizations. You will learn how to find your way round Redash and its rich array of data visualization options for building interactive dashboards. You will learn how to create data storytelling and share these with peers. You will see how to connect to different data sources to process complex data, and then visualize this data to reveal valuable insights. By the end of this book, you will be confident with the Redash dashboarding tool to provide insight and communicate data storytelling.

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