iOS 13 Programming Fundamentals 最新2020.epub

最新版本,连载十年“The Scope of This Book
This book is intended to accompany and precede Programming iOS 13, which picks up where this book leaves off. If writing an iOS program is like building a house of bricks, this book teaches you what a brick is and how to handle it, while Programming iOS 13 shows you some actual bricks and tells you how to assemble them.
When you have read this book, you’ll know about Swift, Xcode, and the underpinnings of the Cocoa framework, and you will be ready to proceed directly to Programming iOS 13. Conversely, Programming iOS 13 assumes a knowledge of this book; it begins, like Homer’s Iliad, in the middle of the story, with the reader jumping with all four feet into views and view ”

Excerpt From: Matt Neuburg. “iOS 13 Programming Fundamentals with Swift.” Apple Books.

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