EZ-EDS V3.23.1.20171205

1. What is EZ-EDS? -------------------- EZ-EDS is a tool that creates and edits CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP and Generic EDS files. It was created in hopes of simplifying the process of creating and maintaining EDS files. EZ-EDS uses a simple tree structure to organize the sections, entries and the end comment in an EDS file. Selecting these items displays various forms that allow the user to edit the values of the EDS keywords. The forms are meant to speed the process of entering data and to minimize the possibility of errors in the EDS. Freeware based on: CIP Specification Edition 3.23 EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.23, DeviceNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.14, ControlNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.8, CIP Safety Specification Edition 2.16, CompoNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.7, Integration of Modbus Devices into the CIP Architecture Edition 1.8 CIP Security Edition 1.3
 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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     文件     2824421  2018-09-27 12:34  EZ-EDS V3.23.1.20171205.7z

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