Computational methods for electromagentics

计算电磁学 Adecadeago,whenthe taskof developing thisbookwasinitiated, therewerefew available texts on computational techniques for electromagnetics. Although a large number have appeared since then, none attempt to treat both integral and differential equation formulations in a unified manner. The presenttext is intended to fill that gap and is designed for graduate-level classroom use or self-study. Its primaryfocusis open-region formulations, andwhileresonant cavity andantennaapplications aretouchedon in places, themajority of the material is presented in thecontextof electromagnetic scattering. We have attempted to provide enoughdetailto enablea readerto implement theconcepts in software. In addition to a few subroutines in Appendix C, a collection of relatedcomputerprograms is available through the Internet. Earlierdraftsof the material weretestedin graduate courses taughtat the University of Illinois and the Georgia Institute of Technology as wellas in a numberof continuing education courses. The authors sincerely appreciate the comments of former students, colleagues, and the dozen or more reviewers who offered critiques during the book's development.

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