Designing object-Oriented C++ Applications-Using the Booch Method

Bob大叔(Robert C. Martin)关于C++开发思想的大作,看他的书上提及过,好多C++高手也提及过,但是一直没看到,特地从图书馆借来并扫描,下载者只能用于学习,不可用于商业目的。 A practical, problem-solving approach to the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Design and their application using C++. This book is written for the "engineer in the trenches". It is a serious guide for practitioners of Object-Oriented design. The style is narrative, and accessible for the beginner, and yet the topics are covered in enough depth to be relevant to the consumate designer. The principles of OOD explained, one by one, and then demonstrated with numerous examples and case studies.

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