Mastering OpenStack - Second Edition

2017年5月的新书,pdf版。 Book Description In this second edition, you will get to grips with the latest features of OpenStack. Starting with an overview of the OpenStack architecture, you'll see how to adopt the DevOps style of automation while deploying and operating in an OpenStack environment. We'll show you how to create your own OpenStack private cloud. Then you'll learn about various hypervisors and container technology supported by OpenStack. You'll get an understanding about the segregation of compute nodes based on reliability and availability needs. We'll cover various storage types in OpenStack and advanced networking aspects such as SDN and NFV. Next, you'll understand the OpenStack infrastructure from a cloud user point of view. Moving on, you'll develop troubleshooting skills, and get a comprehensive understanding of services such as high availability and failover in OpenStack. Finally, you will gain experience of running a centralized logging server and monitoring OpenStack services. The book will show you how to carry out performance tuning based on OpenStack service logs. You will be able to master OpenStack benchmarking and performance tuning. By the end of the book, you'll be ready to take steps to deploy and manage an OpenStack cloud with the latest open source technologies.

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